Having grown up in Kastelruth I, Helmut Kostner, remained faithful to my hometown. Here, under the Schlern peak, I live together with my girlfriend and work full-time as a certified IFMGA mountain guide.
I spend around 150 – 170 days per year in the mountains as a guide and love to spend also my free time in the Dolomites and West Alps.
In my youth campfire nights and sleeping in self-made tends were a big adventure. Far away from parential supervision but close to the hometown Kastelruth I learned quickly to get aware of possible risks and to take responsibility for myself and the others around me.
I was literally raised with skies on my feet. At the age of three I conquered already the black track Sass Long with my parents. When I was older, me and my friends met to find new routes off-piste every day. Quickly we learned to avoid dangerous snowfields and to find the best slope through the woods.
I can also remember very well my first ice axe. A friend of mine, today an alpine guide as well, lend it from his father. We managed our first tour at the “Krinnerhof” with success.
Basically, I have discovered the alpinism in all its facets thanks to a friend. We did a lot of alpine climbing tours starting from Kastelruth to the “Ciavazes”area, the “Rosengarten” and the “Schlernmassiv” in the Dolomites, as well as the Western Alps.
As important as the hiking and climbing in summer was, so was the skiing and ski-touring in winter. During these first years of alpine experience we learned a lot through failure and success.
I volunteer as a mountain rescuer. With my team, I have approximately 100 missions a year in the area of Kastelruth and the Alpe di Siusi.
In addition, as a member of the rescue team “Seis am Schlern”, I volunteer for the air rescue “Aiut Alpin Dolomites” 40 days a year.
Furthermore, the ski patrol at the Alpe di Siusi has approxx. 700 rescue operations in winter.
As a matter of fact, thanks to my training as a guide and rescuer, my tour book gets longer every week.